
The Public Option for a Career in Digital Games

The Gaming Pathways is an entirely new route for high school students in Harlem, Upper Manhattan and the South Bronx to pursue a bachelor’s degree in digital game design, preparing for future careers in New York City’s rapidly growing digital gaming industry.

What's New

August 2024

On 8/28, the first day of classes officially started at the City College of New York! Over 120 Gaming Pathways students have enrolled in classes covering game design, level design, programming with Unity, and more. Urban Arts has started recruitment for their 2024-25...

June 2024

101 students and 177 guests total showcased 50+ games at the Urban Arts Arcade Saturday 6/15, including students and teachers from Gaming Pathways after school clubs. Two studio programs teams had the opportunity to present their games to industry professionals.

May 2024

Three Gaming Pathways Master Classes were held at Khalil Gibran HS (23 students), George Westinghouse HS (20 students), and Bronx Lab School (17 students). Six students from the Urban Arts Gaming Pathways club at Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning school...

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Welcome to our Supporter Series! 💡We are spotlighting the organizations and entities that make the Gaming Pathways Program possible. 

The positive impact we aim to make on students is a community effort, and we thank all who believe in and support our mission, empowering youth to explore #STEM through their interest in gaming.

#gamedesign #videogames #mayorsoffice #supporters

Welcome to our Supporter Series! 💡We are spotlighting the organizations and entities that make the Gaming Pathways Program possible.

The positive impact we aim to make on students is a community effort, and we thank all who believe in and support our mission, empowering youth to explore #STEM through their interest in gaming.

#gamedesign #videogames #mayorsoffice #supporters

Our Video Game Camp held at Harlem School of the Arts in collaboration with Epic Games, Harlem Gallery of Science, and the City College of New York, just concluded for Summer 2024.

With daily hands-on coding classes and expert guidance, students were given the opportunity to learn all about game production - gradually building their own video games and playing each other’s games over the seven-week span of the program.

What an amazing way for students to explore their creativity and develop valuable skills! Thank you to all who made this program possible, helping to empower youth through gaming.

Our Video Game Camp held at Harlem School of the Arts in collaboration with Epic Games, Harlem Gallery of Science, and the City College of New York, just concluded for Summer 2024.

With daily hands-on coding classes and expert guidance, students were given the opportunity to learn all about game production - gradually building their own video games and playing each other’s games over the seven-week span of the program.

What an amazing way for students to explore their creativity and develop valuable skills! Thank you to all who made this program possible, helping to empower youth through gaming.